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Division (109 Skills)

Build Foundation for Division

  • Dividing into equal groups
  • Represent equal sharing scenarios in division
  • Find the quotient using visual models
  • Understand "divide by" term
  • Represent equal grouping scenarios in division
  • Relate equal sharing and equal grouping models of division

Relate Multiplication & Division

Divide on a Number Line

Division Facts within 100

  • Divide by 2
  • Divide by 5
  • Divide by 10
  • Divide by 3
  • Divide by 4
  • Divide by 6
  • Divide by 7
  • Divide by 8
  • Divide by 9
  • Word problems on division

Divide using Place Value Understanding

  • Divide multiples of 10 by 1-digit numbers.

Divide Multiples of 10 or 100

  • Divide multiples of 10 by 1-digit numbers
  • Divide multiples of 100 by 1-digit numbers
  • Use long division to divide a multiple of 10 without remainder

Divide 2-digit by 1-digit Numbers

  • Use long division to divide 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers without remainder
  • Divide 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers without remainder
  • Divide 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers with remainder
  • Use long division to divide 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers with remainder

Divide 3-digit by 1-digit Numbers

  • Divide 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers without remainder
  • Use long division to divide 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers without remainder
  • Divide 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers with remainder
  • Use long division to divide 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers with remainder

Divide 4-digit by 1-digit Numbers

  • Divide 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers without remainder
  • Divide 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers with remainder

Divide Multi-digit Whole Numbers

  • Divide using estimation strategies
  • Division using long division without remainders
  • Division using long division with remainders
  • Solve problem involving division
Multiplication (199 Skills)

Build Foundation for Multiplication 

  • Understand equal groups
  • Understand arrays

Formal Introduction to Multiplication

  • Write multiplication sentences for equal groups
  • Write multiplication sentences for arrays
  • Use repeated addition to multiply
  • Use skip counting to multiply

Multiplication Facts of 2, 3 & 5

  • Multiplication facts of 2
  • Multiplication facts of 3
  • Multiplication facts of 5

Properties of Multiplication

  • Multiply by 0 and 1
  • Commutative property of multiplication
  • Distributive property of multiplication
  • Associative property of multiplication

Multiply on a Number Line

  • Visualize multiplication on number lines
  • Multiplication facts of 2,3,5,10 on number lines

Multiplication Facts of 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10

  • Multiplication facts of 4
  • Multiplication facts of 6
  • Multiplication facts of 7
  • Multiplication facts of 8
  • Multiplication facts of 9
  • Multiplication facts of 10

Multiply using Place Value Understanding

  • Multiply 1-digit numbers by a multiple of 10
  • Estimate products by rounding numbers
  • Multiply 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers in different arrangements.

Understand Multiplicative Comparison

  • Solve problems involving multiplicative comparison
  • Word problems on multiplication

Multiply 2-digit by 1-digit Numbers

  • Multiplication facts of 11
  • Multiplication facts of 12
  • Multiply by 1-digit numbers using area models
  • Multiply 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers using place value understanding
  • Fluently multiply 2-digit numbers by 1-digit number

Multiply 3-digit by 1-digit Numbers

  • Multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers using place value understanding
  • Fluently multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit number

Multiply 4-digit by 1-digit Numbers

  • Multiply 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers using place value understanding
  • Fluently multiply 4-digit numbers by a 1-digit number

Multiply Two 2-digit Numbers

  • Multiply Two 2-digit numbers using area models
  • Multiply Two 2-digit numbers using place value understanding
  • Fluently Multiply Two 2-digit numbers

Multiply Multi-digit Whole Numbers

  • Multiply by multiples of 10
  • Multiply 2-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers
  • Multiply 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers
  • Estimate products of multi-digit whole numbers
Fractions (173 Skills)

Understand & Represent Fractions

  • Understand fractions
  • Identify unit fractions
  • Identify non-unit fractions
  • Model fractions
  • Understand and identify fractions on number lines
  • Place fractions on number lines
  • Write whole numbers as fractions

Compare Fractions

  • Compare unit fractions
  • Compare fractions with same denominators using visuals
  • Compare fractions with same denominators without visuals
  • Compare fractions with same numerators using visuals
  • Compare fractions with same numerators without visuals
  • Compare fractions on number lines
  • Compare fractions with benchmark fractions; half and one
  • Compare fractions using benchmark fractions; half and one
  • Compare unlike fractions

Equivalent Fractions

  • Find equivalent fractions using fraction strips
  • Find equivalent fractions using visual models
  • Find equivalent fractions on number lines
  • Find equivalent fractions without using visual models
  • Learn to generate equivalent fractions
  • Generate and identify equivalent fractions

Represent Fractions Greater than 1

  • Represent fractions greater than one
  • Represent mixed numbers
  • Convert mixed numbers to fractions
  • Convert fractions to mixed numbers

Add & Subtract Fractions

  • Add fraction with sums within 1
  • Subtract fractions
  • Add fractions with sums greater than 1
  • Add fractions greater than 1
    Subtract fractions greater than 1
  • Add mixed numbers using visual models
  • Add mixed numbers without using models
  • Subtract mixed numbers using models
  • Subtract mixed numbers without using models
  • Estimate the sum of two fractions
  • Estimate the difference of two fractions
  • Word problems on addition and subtraction of fractions

Multiplication with Fractions

  • Multiply unit fractions by whole numbers
  • Multiply fractions by whole numbers
  • Word problems on multiplication of fractions
  • Multiply whole numbers by fractions
  • Multiply fractions
  • Multiply mixed numbers
  • Application of multiplication of fractions
  • Understand multiplication as scaling

Division with Fractions

  • Divide unit fractions by whole numbers
  • Divide whole numbers by unit fractions
Algebra (35 Skills)

Factors, Multiples & Prime Numbers

  • Find multiples of numbers within 100
  • Find factors of numbers within 100
  • Identify prime and composite numbers

Generate & Analyze Number Patterns

  • Create and extend number patterns using the given rule
  • Identify rules and extend number patterns
  • Generate number patterns
  • Analyze number patterns

Write & Interpret Numerical and Algebraic Expressions

  • Simplify and evaluate numerical expressions
  • Simplify and evaluate numerical expressions with brackets
  • Write numerical expressions
  • Evaluate algebraic expressions


Decimals (150 Skills)

Fractions with Denominators 10 & 100

  • Identify and model tenths
  • Identify and model hundredths
  • Relate tenths and hundredths
  • Add tenths and hundredths

Understand Decimal Notations

  • Decimal notation for tenths
  • Decimal notation for hundredths
  • Relate tenths and hundredths
  • Decimal notation for mixed numbers

Read & Write Decimals to Hundredths

  • Place value of decimals less than 1
  • Place value of decimals greater than 1
  • Compose and decompose decimals less than 1
  • Compose and decompose decimals greater than 1
  • Represent decimals less than 1 on a number line
  • Represent decimals greater than 1 on a number line

Compare & Order Decimals

  • Compare decimals less than 1
  • Order decimals less than 1
  • Compare decimals greater than 1
  • Order decimals greater than 1

Add & Subtract Decimals

  • Add decimals
  • Subtract decimals

Multiply Decimals

  • Multiply decimals by powers of 10
  • Multiply decimals by whole numbers
  • Multiply two decimals numbers

Divide Decimals

  • Divide decimals by powers of 10
  • Divide decimals by whole numbers
  • Divide decimals by decimals
Measurement & Data (175 Skills)

Metric Units of Measurement

  • Measure length in centimeters using rulers
  • Measure and estimate weights in metric units
  • Measure and estimate capacities in metric units

Customary Units of Measurement

  • Measure lengths in inches using rulers
  • Measure and estimate weights in customary units
  • Measure and estimate capacities in customary units

Relative Sizes of Metric

  • Relate units of length and estimate lengths
  • Relate units of weight and estimate weights
  • Relate units of capacity and estimate capacities

Relative Sizes of Customary Units

  • Relate units of length and estimate lengths
  • Relate units of weight and estimate weights
  • Relate units of capacity and estimate capacities

Conversion of Measurement Units

  • Convert quantities in one metric unit to another unit
  • Convert quantities in one metric unit to another unit involving decimal conversions
  • Convert quantities in one customary unit to another unit
  • Multi-step, real world problems involving conversion of units

Read, Analyze & Represent Data

  • Analyze and represent data on bar graphs
  • Analyze and represent data on line plots
  • Analyze and represent scaled data on picture graphs
Geometry (128 Skills)

Identify & Classify Shapes

  • Understand two dimensional shapes on the basis of their defining attributes
  • Understand two dimensional shapes as closed shapes
  • Sides and vertices of two dimensional shapes
  • Understand three dimensional shapes
  • Recognize two dimensional shapes by their names
  • Recognize two dimensional shapes by their attributes
  • Types of triangles
  • Understand attributes of quadrilaterals
  • Identify quadrilaterals
  • Identify quadrilaterals in different orientations
  • Understand that shapes in different categories may share attributes

Partition Two Dimensional Shapes

  • Partition shapes into halves, thirds and fourths
  • Describe a whole by the number of equal parts
  • Recognize that equal shares of identical wholes may have different shapes

Perimeter of Shapes

  • Understand the concept of perimeter
  • Perimeter of regular shapes
  • Perimeter of irregular shapes
  • Find perimeter of shapes with unknown side lengths
  • Find unknown side lengths given the perimeter of shapes

Area of Shapes

  • Understand the concept of area
  • Find area of shapes
  • Understand that area is additive

Classify Shapes based on Angles & Lines

  • Recognize points, lines, line segments, rays, angles
  • Types of angles
  • Classify shapes based on types of angles
  • Types of triangles
  • Parallel and perpendicular lines
  • Classify shapes based on parallel sides

Recognize Lines of Symmetry

  • Draw lines of symmetry

Measure Area & Perimeter of Shapes

  • Find perimeter of shapes
  • Find area of shapes

Measure & Classify Angles

  • Understand the parts of an angle
  • Measure angles using a protractor
  • Use degree measure to classify angles
  • Draw angles using a protractor

Coordinate Planes

  • Identify coordinates for points marked on the coordinate plane
  • Plot points on the coordinate plane

Classify Two Dimensional Shapes

  • Classify two dimensional shapes into categories based on properties
  • Hierarchies of two dimensional shapes

Understand the Concept of Volume

Measure Volume of Solids

  • Find volumes of solids
  • Understand that volume is additive

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Division Games for Kids

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What is SplashLearn?

SplashLearn is an award-winning learning program that uses games and activities to engage kids in grades PreK- 5.

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SplashLearn provides the perfect balance of fun and learning that builds math and reading skills in children. Over 40 million kids globally love SplashLearn.

What grades are covered by SplashLearn?

SplashLearn offers a curriculum-aligned and personalized learning experience for kids in Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 5.

Which Subjects do SplashLearn cover?

SplashLearn covers PreK to Grade 5 Math and Reading with 4,000+ learning games and educational activities.

What devices are compatible with SplashLearn?

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What skills will my child learn from SplashLearn?

SplashLearn provides an out-of-the-box learning experience that builds math and reading skills and boosts confidence in children—making them independent learners.

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SplashLearn follows the Common Core curriculum for all of its learning content.

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Overview of Division

“Division” in general terms is the derivative of word “divide”. As the term refers to portioning of a number, it is a form of progressive or repeated subtraction. A given number is subtracted from another number till it becomes zero or less than the subtrahend.

A division equation looks like this:

                            9            %         3           =          3

                        Dividend        Divisor                Quotient

A division equation can also be written as a fractional number as follows:

                        9 / 3 = 3        (Dividend / Divisor = Quotient)

 “Division” is one of the basic math skills introduced to kids in grade 3. At this level, kids are already familiar with addition, subtraction and multiplication. With the knowledge of place value system and counting skills up to ten thousand, kids learn the division by a single digit and double-digit numbers in the pre-k curriculum.

Math Games for Teaching Division

A step next to basics of addition, subtraction and multiplication (repeated addition), division games instigate the fundamental concept systematically for the kids. Division Games on an interactive theme-equipped interface and based on real-life examples substantially boost the kids to learn.

Learning & outcome: The real challenge while learning mathematics is the application part. To nurture deep-rooted concepts with a clear understanding of the technique, immense practice is required. With division games, kids understand to equally distribute or divide objects into smaller and equal groups. Gradually, the application part of “division” for solving equations using word problems and logic puzzles helps the kids to overcome the math fear. Proficiency in the respective skill is the key to excel in math in later grades while learning advanced math.

The projected learning outcomes are:

  • Introduction to the concept of division (short and long division)
  • Understanding the process of division using different models; partition model and measurement model (using a number line)
  • Framing mathematical equations with different signs used for division and relating to the associated math terms
  • Dividing a number by another as per the technique and representing the result in the terms, dividend, divisor, and remainder
  • Progressing to the division of large numbers (up to 4-digit) with a 2-digit number
  • Comprehending the knowledge of the skill “division” in the different fields of science, mathematics, and statistics

Required math skills: As “division” is a complex and fundamental math skills; proficiency in basic math with the counting skills (up to 10,000), addition and subtraction (up to 4 digit numbers) is required. Also, the understanding of multiplication tables and “know-how” technique to form the “multiplication tables”, is highly useful for the short division.

Engagement: Comprehensive division games for kids up to grade-5 are instrumental in nurturing the basic math essential. The interactive theme-based interface engages the kids and motivates them to grasp the concept within easy steps. Schematically planned as per the core math standards, math games are conducive to build confidence to excel in math.

Some Interesting Division Games for Kids on SplashLearn

The introduction to division games on SplashLearn have been divided into various categories, according to which grade your child is in and their abilities. These educational games make the entire learning process rejuvenating and fun-filled. 

  • Divide Objects Into Equal Groups: With the practice of this engaging game, kids can overcome the struggle to divide objects equally into groups.
  • Complete the Division Expression for Arrays: This online game targets the misconceptions associated with concepts of arrays and helps kids overcome their doubts by filling in the missing number.
  • Identify the Correct Division Expression: If you want to help your child build a strong foundation, encourage them to practice this game which requires them to identify the correct expression of division for a given set.
  • Identify the Correct Division Sentence: Kids can understand the art of division gradually by practicing this game aimed at building proficiency in equal sharing using real-world objects.

Progression of Division with Grades

In grade 3, kids learn to apply the skills of subtraction for understanding the basics of the division. Also, with the knowledge of multiplication of numbers, kids learn to form multiplication tables. With practice, other skills developed at this level are the association of the conceptual knowledge of multiplication and division to addition and subtraction. Kids also learn about portioning the number of equal size groups. The skill is useful in dividing single-digit numbers by other single-digit using pictures and counters. Other methods of division such as “measurement model” (subtracting on a number line) are also learned.

In grade 4, kids learn to divide numbers ranging from 2-digits to 4-digits with a 1-digit number. Also, division by multiples of 10 and 100 is introduced to apply the skills of representing a number up to 1 or 2 decimal places. Kids also explore the division methodology for calculating a reasonable answer to word problems (quotient) and the remainder. Proficiency in mental computation and estimation is achieved by the practice of using all 4 operations on a word problem.

In grade 5, as kids learn to divide a number by single-digit number, skills are further honed to divide a number by a 2-digit divisor. Using the knowledge of place value system, kids practice dividing a decimal number by a multiple of 10 & 100. Also, math skills to perform decimal division by representing a number in fraction form are developed.

Planned math exercises help kids to master the skills and assimilate the fundamentals of the division.


“Division” as one of the fundamental math skills is extremely useful in several fields of applied maths (measurement, geometry, trigonometry) and science (chemical sciences, physics and relevant fields of anatomy). “Division of numbers” is an essential concept used in geography to rescale the distance/measurements by division (with the multiples of 10,000 and more) and draw accurate maps. To plan a navigational route, such maps are used in marine sciences and other fields.

SplashLearn Division Games

Adhering to the common core math standards, SplashLearn institutes a well-planned curriculum using interactive worksheets. With the step-by-step introduction of complex concepts and techniques to master the associated math skills, kids learn the methods to use in later grades without any difficulty. Considering the skill-loss challenges during summer vacation or to homeschool kids for proficiency in math, comprehensive exercises are instrumental in boosting logical thinking and reasoning.

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