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Time & Money (82 Skills)

Read Clocks & Tell Time

  • Know analog clocks
  • Tell, write and show time in hours
  • Tell, write and show time in half hours
  • Tell and write time in quarter hours
  • Understand A.M. and P.M.

Tell Time & Measure Elapsed Time

  • Tell and write time to the nearest 5 minutes
  • Tell and write time to the nearest minute
  • Measure elapsed time

Identify Coins & Count Money

  • Recognize penny, nickel and dime
  • Recognize values of penny, nickel and dime
  • Count money using pennies, nickels and dimes
  • Recognize quarters and half-dollars
  • Recognize the value of quarters and half-dollars

Make Amounts & Compute Change

  • Make given amounts and identify equivalent amounts
  • Compare amounts of money
  • Add and subtract money using symbols
  • Make change

Solve Problems involving Money

  • Add money
  • Subtract money
  • Multiply money
  • Divide money
Addition (341 Skills)

Understand the Concept of Addition

  • Model addition situations
  • Embedded numbers within 5
  • Add with pictures within 5
  • Embedded numbers within 10
  • Add with pictures within 10

Formal Introduction to Addition

  • Addition sentences within 5
  • Addition sentences within 10

Properties & Strategies for Addition

  • Recall addition using models
  • Count on to add using objects
  • Count on to add using number lines
  • Count on from a number to add
  • Count on to find the missing addend
  • Commutative property of addition

Fluently Add within 10

  • Add doubles within 10
  • Make numbers from 3 to 6 in different ways
  • Make numbers from 7 to 9 in different ways
  • Make a 10
  • Fluently add within 10
  • Addition word problems within 10

Strategies for Addition

  • Add 10 and 1-digit numbers
  • Add within 20 using count on strategy
  • Add 3 whole numbers
    Associative property of addition
  • Understand the meaning of the equal sign
  • Add by making a 10
  • Doubles facts within 20
  • Add using count on strategy
  • Anchor 10 strategy for addition
  • Add using doubles and near doubles
  • Add upto three numbers within 20

Add within 20

  • Add within 20
  • Missing numbers in addition equations
  • Addition word problems within 20
  • Comparative word problems

Add within 100

  • 10 more or 10 less than a number
  • Add multiples of 10
  • Add tens to a 2-digit number
  • Add ones to a 2-digit number
  • Addition word problems

Recall Addition Facts

  • Addition facts of 1
  • Addition facts of 2
  • Addition facts of 3
  • Addition facts of 4
  • Addition facts of 5
  • Addition facts of 6
  • Addition facts of 7
  • Addition facts of 8
  • Addition facts of 9

Word Problems within 20

  • Addition word problems with result unknown
  • Word problems with start unknown scenarios
  • Word problems with comparative scenarios
  • Two step word problems

Add within 100 without Regrouping

  • Add 2-digit and 1-digit numbers
  • Add 2-digit and 2-digit numbers

Add within 100 with Regrouping

  • Add 2-digit and 1-digit numbers with regrouping
  • Add two 2-digit numbers with regrouping

Word problems on addition within 100

Add within 1000 without Regrouping

  • Add multiples of 100
  • Mentally add 100 to 3-digit numbers
  • Mentally add 10 to 3-digit numbers
  • Add 3-digit and 1-digit numbers
  • Add 3-digit and 2-digit numbers
  • Add two 3-digit numbers

Add within 1000 with Regrouping

  • Add by regrouping ones
  • Add by regrouping tens
  • Add by regrouping ones and tens

Word problems on addition within 1000

Fluently Add within 1000

  • Add 3-digits and 1-digit numbers without regrouping
  • Add 3-digits and 1-digit numbers with regrouping
  • Add 3-digits and 2-digit numbers without regrouping
  • Add 3-digits and 2-digit numbers with regrouping
  • Add 3-digits and 3-digit numbers without regrouping

Fluently Add within 10000

  • Add 4-digit and 2-digit numbers without regrouping
  • Add 4-digit and 2-digit numbers with regrouping
  • Add 4-digit and 3-digit numbers without regrouping
  • Add 4-digit and 3-digit numbers with regrouping
  • Add 4-digit and 4-digit numbers without regrouping
  • Add 4-digit and 4-digit numbers with regrouping

Add Multi-digit Numbers

  • Addition upto 100,000
  • Addition upto 1,000,000
Subtraction (238 Skills)

Understand the Concept of Subtraction

  • Model subtraction situations
  • Subtract with pictures within 5
  • Subtract with pictures within 10

Formal Introduction to Subtraction

  • Subtraction sentences within 5
  • Subtraction sentences within 10

Strategies to Subtract

  • Recall subtraction using models
  • Relate addition and subtraction
  • Subtract using count back strategy
  • Anchor 10 strategy for subtraction
  • Subtract using doubles and near doubles

Fluently Subtract within 10

  • Fluently subtract within 10
  • Subtraction word problems within 10

Subtract within 20

  • Subtract within 20
  • Missing numbers in subtraction equations
  • Comparative word problems

Subtract within 100

  • Subtract multiples of 10
  • Subtraction word problems

Recall Subtraction Facts

  • Subtraction facts of 1
  • Subtraction facts of 2
  • Subtraction facts of 3
  • Subtraction facts of 4
  • Subtraction facts of 5
  • Subtraction facts of 6
  • Subtraction facts of 7
  • Subtraction facts of 8
  • Subtraction facts of 9

Word Problems within 20

  • Word problems with start unknown scenarios
  • Word problems with comparative scenarios
  • Two step word problems

Subtract within 100 without Regrouping

  • Subtract 1-digit numbers from 2-digit numbers
  • Subtract multiples of 10 from 2-digit numbers
  • Subtract two 2-digit numbers

Subtract within 100 with Regrouping

  • Subtract 1-digit numbers from 2-digit numbers with regrouping
  • Subtract two 2-digit numbers with regrouping

Word problems on subtraction within 100

  • Subtract within 1000 without Regrouping
  • Subtract multiples of 100
  • Mentally subtract 100 from 3-digit numbers
  • Mentally subtract 10 from 3-digit numbers
  • Subtract 1-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers
  • Subtract 2-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers
  • Subtract two 3-digit numbers

Subtract within 1000 with Regrouping

  • Subtract by breaking up tens
  • Subtract by breaking up hundreds
  • Subtract by breaking up tens and hundreds

Word problems on subtraction within 1000

Fluently Subtract within 1000

  • Subtract 1-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers without regrouping
  • Subtract 1-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers with regrouping
  • Subtract 2-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers without regrouping
  • Subtract 2-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers with regrouping
  • Subtract two 3-digit numbers without regrouping
  • Subtract two 3-digit numbers with regrouping

Fluently Subtract within 10000

  • Subtract 2-digit numbers from 4-digit numbers without regrouping
  • Subtract 2-digit numbers from 4-digit numbers with regrouping
  • Subtract 3-digit numbers from 4-digit numbers without regrouping
  • Subtract 3-digit numbers from 4-digit numbers with regrouping
  • Subtract two 4-digit numbers without regrouping
  • Subtract two 4-digit numbers with regrouping
  • Subtract across zeros

Subtract Multi-digit Numbers

  • Subtraction upto 100,000
  • Subtraction upto 1,000,000
Multiplication (199 Skills)

Build Foundation for Multiplication 

  • Understand equal groups
  • Understand arrays

Formal Introduction to Multiplication

  • Write multiplication sentences for equal groups
  • Write multiplication sentences for arrays
  • Use repeated addition to multiply
  • Use skip counting to multiply

Multiplication Facts of 2, 3 & 5

  • Multiplication facts of 2
  • Multiplication facts of 3
  • Multiplication facts of 5

Properties of Multiplication

  • Multiply by 0 and 1
  • Commutative property of multiplication
  • Distributive property of multiplication
  • Associative property of multiplication

Multiply on a Number Line

  • Visualize multiplication on number lines
  • Multiplication facts of 2,3,5,10 on number lines

Multiplication Facts of 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10

  • Multiplication facts of 4
  • Multiplication facts of 6
  • Multiplication facts of 7
  • Multiplication facts of 8
  • Multiplication facts of 9
  • Multiplication facts of 10

Multiply using Place Value Understanding

  • Multiply 1-digit numbers by a multiple of 10
  • Estimate products by rounding numbers
  • Multiply 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers in different arrangements.

Understand Multiplicative Comparison

  • Solve problems involving multiplicative comparison
  • Word problems on multiplication

Multiply 2-digit by 1-digit Numbers

  • Multiplication facts of 11
  • Multiplication facts of 12
  • Multiply by 1-digit numbers using area models
  • Multiply 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers using place value understanding
  • Fluently multiply 2-digit numbers by 1-digit number

Multiply 3-digit by 1-digit Numbers

  • Multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers using place value understanding
  • Fluently multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit number

Multiply 4-digit by 1-digit Numbers

  • Multiply 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers using place value understanding
  • Fluently multiply 4-digit numbers by a 1-digit number

Multiply Two 2-digit Numbers

  • Multiply Two 2-digit numbers using area models
  • Multiply Two 2-digit numbers using place value understanding
  • Fluently Multiply Two 2-digit numbers

Multiply Multi-digit Whole Numbers

  • Multiply by multiples of 10
  • Multiply 2-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers
  • Multiply 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers
  • Estimate products of multi-digit whole numbers
Division (109 Skills)

Build Foundation for Division

  • Dividing into equal groups
  • Represent equal sharing scenarios in division
  • Find the quotient using visual models
  • Understand "divide by" term
  • Represent equal grouping scenarios in division
  • Relate equal sharing and equal grouping models of division

Relate Multiplication & Division

Divide on a Number Line

Division Facts within 100

  • Divide by 2
  • Divide by 5
  • Divide by 10
  • Divide by 3
  • Divide by 4
  • Divide by 6
  • Divide by 7
  • Divide by 8
  • Divide by 9
  • Word problems on division

Divide using Place Value Understanding

  • Divide multiples of 10 by 1-digit numbers.

Divide Multiples of 10 or 100

  • Divide multiples of 10 by 1-digit numbers
  • Divide multiples of 100 by 1-digit numbers
  • Use long division to divide a multiple of 10 without remainder

Divide 2-digit by 1-digit Numbers

  • Use long division to divide 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers without remainder
  • Divide 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers without remainder
  • Divide 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers with remainder
  • Use long division to divide 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers with remainder

Divide 3-digit by 1-digit Numbers

  • Divide 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers without remainder
  • Use long division to divide 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers without remainder
  • Divide 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers with remainder
  • Use long division to divide 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers with remainder

Divide 4-digit by 1-digit Numbers

  • Divide 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers without remainder
  • Divide 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers with remainder

Divide Multi-digit Whole Numbers

  • Divide using estimation strategies
  • Division using long division without remainders
  • Division using long division with remainders
  • Solve problem involving division
Place Value & Number Sense (220 Skills)
  • Work with Numbers from 11-19
    Model 10
  • Model teen numbers
  • Understand teen numbers as 1 ten and some ones

Count up to 120

  • Count to 50
  • Count to 100
  • Count to 120

Understand Place Value of Numbers

  • Understand 10 as a unit and count by tens
  • Read and write multiples of 10
  • Read and write numbers up to 20
  • Read and write numbers up to 50
  • Read and write numbers up to 100

Compare & Order Numbers up to 100

  • Compare numbers within 100
  • Order numbers within 10
  • Order numbers within 20

Read & Write 3-digit Numbers

  • Understand place names in 3-digit numbers
  • Understand place value of digits in 3-digit numbers

Compare & Order Numbers

  • Compare numbers using place value charts
  • Order numbers using place value charts

Skip Count within 1000

  • Skip count by 5
  • Skip count by 2
  • Skip count by 10
  • Skip count by 100

Understand Even & Odd Numbers

  • Determine whether a group of objects has an even or odd number of members

Build Foundation for Multiplication

  • Understand equal groups
  • Write repeated addition sentences for equal groups
  • Understand arrays as foundation for multiplication
  • Write repeated addition sentences for arrays

Read & Write Numbers

  • Recall place names in 3-digit numbers
  • Recall place value of digits in 3-digit numbers
  • Understand place names in 4-digit numbers
  • Understand place value of digits in 4-digit numbers
  • Understand place names in 5-digit numbers
  • Understand place value of digits in 5-digit numbers

Read & Write Multi-digit Numbers

  • Understand place names in multi-digit numbers
  • Understand place value of digits in multi-digit numbers
  • Represent numbers on number lines
  • Relate value of a digit at different places

Round Whole Numbers

  • Round 2-digit numbers to nearest the 10 using number lines
  • Round 2-digit numbers to the nearest 10
  • Round 3-digit numbers to the nearest 10 using number lines
  • Round 3-digit numbers to the nearest 10
  • Round 3-digit numbers to the nearest 100 using number lines
  • Round 3-digit numbers to the nearest 100
  • Round multi digit whole numbers
Measurement & Data (175 Skills)

Metric Units of Measurement

  • Measure length in centimeters using rulers
  • Measure and estimate weights in metric units
  • Measure and estimate capacities in metric units

Customary Units of Measurement

  • Measure lengths in inches using rulers
  • Measure and estimate weights in customary units
  • Measure and estimate capacities in customary units

Relative Sizes of Metric

  • Relate units of length and estimate lengths
  • Relate units of weight and estimate weights
  • Relate units of capacity and estimate capacities

Relative Sizes of Customary Units

  • Relate units of length and estimate lengths
  • Relate units of weight and estimate weights
  • Relate units of capacity and estimate capacities

Conversion of Measurement Units

  • Convert quantities in one metric unit to another unit
  • Convert quantities in one metric unit to another unit involving decimal conversions
  • Convert quantities in one customary unit to another unit
  • Multi-step, real world problems involving conversion of units

Read, Analyze & Represent Data

  • Analyze and represent data on bar graphs
  • Analyze and represent data on line plots
  • Analyze and represent scaled data on picture graphs
Geometry (128 Skills)

Identify & Classify Shapes

  • Understand two dimensional shapes on the basis of their defining attributes
  • Understand two dimensional shapes as closed shapes
  • Sides and vertices of two dimensional shapes
  • Understand three dimensional shapes
  • Recognize two dimensional shapes by their names
  • Recognize two dimensional shapes by their attributes
  • Types of triangles
  • Understand attributes of quadrilaterals
  • Identify quadrilaterals
  • Identify quadrilaterals in different orientations
  • Understand that shapes in different categories may share attributes

Partition Two Dimensional Shapes

  • Partition shapes into halves, thirds and fourths
  • Describe a whole by the number of equal parts
  • Recognize that equal shares of identical wholes may have different shapes

Perimeter of Shapes

  • Understand the concept of perimeter
  • Perimeter of regular shapes
  • Perimeter of irregular shapes
  • Find perimeter of shapes with unknown side lengths
  • Find unknown side lengths given the perimeter of shapes

Area of Shapes

  • Understand the concept of area
  • Find area of shapes
  • Understand that area is additive

Classify Shapes based on Angles & Lines

  • Recognize points, lines, line segments, rays, angles
  • Types of angles
  • Classify shapes based on types of angles
  • Types of triangles
  • Parallel and perpendicular lines
  • Classify shapes based on parallel sides

Recognize Lines of Symmetry

  • Draw lines of symmetry

Measure Area & Perimeter of Shapes

  • Find perimeter of shapes
  • Find area of shapes

Measure & Classify Angles

  • Understand the parts of an angle
  • Measure angles using a protractor
  • Use degree measure to classify angles
  • Draw angles using a protractor

Coordinate Planes

  • Identify coordinates for points marked on the coordinate plane
  • Plot points on the coordinate plane

Classify Two Dimensional Shapes

  • Classify two dimensional shapes into categories based on properties
  • Hierarchies of two dimensional shapes

Understand the Concept of Volume

Measure Volume of Solids

  • Find volumes of solids
  • Understand that volume is additive

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Counting Money Games for Kids

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is SplashLearn?

SplashLearn is an award-winning learning program that uses games and activities to engage kids in grades PreK- 5.

Why should I choose SplashLearn?

SplashLearn provides the perfect balance of fun and learning that builds math and reading skills in children. Over 40 million kids globally love SplashLearn.

What grades are covered by SplashLearn?

SplashLearn offers a curriculum-aligned and personalized learning experience for kids in Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 5.

Which Subjects do SplashLearn cover?

SplashLearn covers PreK to Grade 5 Math and Reading with 4,000+ learning games and educational activities.

What devices are compatible with SplashLearn?

SplashLearn is compatible with desktop, tablets, and smartphones.

What skills will my child learn from SplashLearn?

SplashLearn provides an out-of-the-box learning experience that builds math and reading skills and boosts confidence in children—making them independent learners.

Which curriculum does SplashLearn follow?

SplashLearn follows the Common Core curriculum for all of its learning content.

Is SplashLearn safe for my child?

We give utmost importance to your child's safety and privacy. We do not collect personal information and ensure a child-friendly and ad-free learning experience.

How to get started with SplashLearn?

If you are a parent, you can get started by clicking on the Signup button. If you are a teacher and want to use SplashLearn for your classes, please click on the same Signup button to continue.

How can I teach my child to count money?

You can display coins and bills to your child and help them identify different denominations with their values. You can play any game involving money to help your child use the skills learnt. Then use their skills of counting forward, skip counting and addition to make them learn counting money and finding amount.

What are some fun games on Money?

There are many fun games on money which can be played to identify coins, add and subtract money or find total amount. For more fun, you can sign up for SplashLearn and look for  "Counting money games" in the tab "Math Games by Topics" to explore and practice skills on money.

Counting money is a vital topic in mathematics kids start learning from Grade One. Online learning games enhance their interest in this topic by helping them visualize virtual coins. They apply the concepts of addition and subtraction while counting coins and practice with fun money games. Read on to know more about the best ways of teaching kids the calculation of money through interactive online games. 


Let your kids know that money is something in exchange for which you receive goods and services. Make them learn the value of coins, followed by sorting them down. Also, advise your kids to find the largest value among various coins and use the process of skip counting (addition of the same number every time to the last one) to count the coins. Then, for the second step, find out the next largest value, and so on.

The explanation above may sound a bit confusing for the children to attempt questions. Interactive Count Money With Coins games encourage kids to practice and learn mathematics in an interactive, fun way.

The following sections will reveal how these online educational games can relieve tension for the parents by teaching their tots to count money most simply.

Teaching Kids to Count Money With Coins

Building a solid footing in this topic is essential for your child to be apt with money and amounts. This portion of mathematics begins at Grade 1, where the kid has to identify different types of coins. 

Then, in the 2nd Grade, they are taught the names of the coins and their value. In the 3rd Grade, addition and subtraction of money along with the word problems are introduced. And, Decimal numbers are enlisted under money word problems in the 4th Grade. 

Grade 1 

In this Grade, kids play two types of games - Identify Coins and Count Money With Coins. The first type introduces them to pennies, nickels, and dimes, and the second type encourages them to count coins of a type or different types. They also arrange coins and count money.

Grade 2

In this Grade, kids identify the coins by name, count the coins, and separate them. They also play ‘Operations With Money’ games, in which they use coins to make a given amount and trade coins. 

Grade 3 

The interactive games in this Grade help them pick up exciting ways to add, subtract, divide, and multiply money. They also play word problems of money that help the young ones develop a firm understanding of the concept. 

Grade 4

The young batch will be receiving chances to work out addition word problems (also decimal numbers) on money via online educational games, including ‘put together' scenarios. They will have to understand the story and get closer to the final answer. 


Your Role as a Parent

Kids may initially find money games challenging since they might not have seen real money so far. However, as a parent, you have a significant role to play. Involve yourself in the activity and encourage them to follow suit. Once they relate the money inside the screen with the money outside, you will have won half the battle, as they will start learning on their own.



You can now easily make your little ones count money with coins using the best interactive games available on SplashLearn. Help your kids to practice mathematics in a fun way. 

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