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PreK to Grade 5

Math & Reading

Online Learning for Kids


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Number sequence up to 5

  • Count along up to 5
  • Develop number sense within 5
  • Complete the sequence up to 5

Number sequence up to 10

  • Count along up to 8
  • Count along up to 10
  • Develop number sense within 10
  • Complete the sequence up to 10
  • Count back from 10

Number sequence up to 20

  • Count along up to 20
  • Complete the sequence up to 20

Number recognition up to 5

  • Match numbers within 5
  • Identify numbers within 5

Number recognition up to 10

  • Match numbers within 10
  • Identify numbers within 10

Number sequence up to 20

  • Match numbers within 20
  • Identify numbers within 20

Trace numbers up to 5

  • Trace numbers 1, 2, 3
  • Trace numbers 4, 5

Trace numbers up to 10

  • Trace numbers 6 to 10

Trace numbers from 11-20

  • Trace numbers 11 to 15
  • Trace numbers 16 to 20

Counting within 3

  • Count the dots - 1 to 3
  • Count the animals - 1 to 3
  • Spot the animals - 1 to 3

Counting within 5

  • Learn to count up to 5 objects
  • Identifying patterns
  • Subitizing: Getting fluent with counting up to 5
  • Count up to 5 objects in linear arrangements
  • Count up to 5 objects in non-linear arrangements
  • Number representations within 5

Counting within 10

  • Learn to count up to 10 objects
  • Subitizing: Getting fluent with counting up to 10
  • Count up to 10 objects in linear arrangements
  • Count up to 10 objects in rectangular arrays
  • Count up to 10 objects in non-linear arrangements
  • Number representations within 10


  • Sort objects based on color
  • Sort objects based on type


  • Compare lengths using terms like longer, shorter and equal
  • Compare heights using terms like taller, shorter and equal

Comparing group of objects

  • Compare groups of objects: more, less or equal

Introduction to shapes

  • Shapes in the real world
  • Learn shapes from amusement park

Identify two dimensional shapes

  • Identify triangles and squares
  • Identify circles and rectangles
  • Shapes in the World

Sort shapes

  • Match shapes
  • Sort shapes

Understand the concept of addition

  • Model addition situations
  • Embedded numbers within 10

Identify two dimensional shapes

  • Guess 1 More than a Number - 1 to 5
  • Add using Objects within 5

Sort shapes

  • Guess 1 More than a Number - 6 to 10
  • Add with pictures within 10

Understand the concept of subtraction

  • Model subtraction situations

Subtract with pictures within 5

  • One Less within 5
  • Subtract using Objects within 5

Subtract with pictures within 10

  • Subtract using Objects within 10

Learn, find and make letters A-K

  • Learn, find and make letters ABCD
  • Learn, find and make letters EFG
  • Learn, find and make letters HIJK

Learn, find and make letters L-S

  • Learn, find and make letters LMNOP
  • Learn, find and make letters QRS

Learn, find and make letters T-Z

  • Learn, find and make letters TUV
  • Learn, find and make letters WXYZ

Entire letter sequence

  • Practice and letter sequence with ABC songs

Mini letter sequence

  • Make a tune with letters ABCD, EFG, HIJK, LMNOP, QRS, TUV, and WXYZ

Revise mini letter sequence

  • Arrange the letters ABCD, EFG, HIJK, LMNOP, QRS, TUV, and WXYZ

Trace the letters A-K

  • Trace the letters ABCD
  • Trace the letters EFG
  • Trace the letters HIJK

Trace the letters L-S

  • Trace the letters LMNOP
  • Trace the letters QRS

Trace the letters T-Z

  • Trace the letters TUV
  • Trace the letters WXYZ

Sight Words: I, a, the, and, it, on, is, my, to, in

  • Practice, learn, and revise sight words: I, a, the, and, it
  • Practice, learn, and revise sight words: on, is, my, to, in

Sight Words: one, go, am, for, find, you, make, can, see, up

  • Practice, learn, and revise sight words: one, go, am, for, find
  • Practice, learn, and revise sight words: you, make, can, see, up

Sight Words: run, play, we, look, come

  • Practice, learn, and revise sight words: run, play, we, look, come

Leveled reading books : My Body

  • Listen and read aloud leveled reading book

Leveled reading books with letters A, B, C, and D

  • Listen and read aloud leveled reading books containing letters A, B, C, and D

Leveled reading books with letters E-K

  • Listen and read aloud leveled reading books containing letters E, F, G, H, I, J, and K

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